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ART PARIS ART FAIR 2018 - Fineartsfrance


March 03, 2018

2018 marks the 20th anniversary of Art Paris Art Fair. Since its foundation in 1999, the fair has established itself as Paris' leading modern and contemporary spring art event. The 2018 edition will play host to 142 galleries presenting more than 990 artists from 73 countries providing an overview of European art from the post-war years to the current day, while leaving room for the new horizons of international creation from Latin America, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.

Open to all forms of artistic expression, including video art and design, Art Paris Art Fair offers a theme-based approach emphasising discovery and rediscovery. This year's guest country is Switzerland and the fair will also be taking a close look at the French art scene with a new theme developed especially for the twentieth anniversary as well as the usual monographic exhibitions in Solo Show and emerging artists in Promesses.

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